@author Christian Lange
@email Private mail
University mail
@study Student at Constance University of Applied Sciences, Germany
8. term bachelor degree course Software-Engineering
Software-Engineering page is quite empty due to the fact that the course got terminated and is part of a new course now
@B.Sc. thesis Multi-platform and resource saving Linux distribution for embedded ARM devices (i.e. Raspberry Pi) [Finished but not graded yet]
Atos (Constance)
@work Student employee (Software-Engineer)
Atos (Constance)
@interests Bowling, movies, Linux, software (engineering, programming, security aspects)
@repos Github/chlange
@links Sven Kammerer
Good friend, fellow student, blogger and webspace sponsor
@questions Projects? Questions? Bugs? Feature requests?
Don't hesitate to contact me!
@language ---> C/C++ <--- click
@name croxy
@desc Proxy which uses linux epoll facility to handle I/O
- HTTP (Connect with and expect HTTP header) or transparent mode
- Supports IP (no domain resolution!) and serial-port (i.e. /dev/ttyS0) based connections
- Whitelists for client and destination side
- Supports fixed or variable destinations
@status Finished - not published
@link ---
@download Mail me!
@language ---> PHP <--- click
@name PHP DLC decrypt function
@desc DLC (Download Link Container of JDownloader ) Decrypter
- You need a key and an IV as this function uses CBC mode AES encryption
@status Finished but outdated!
@link dlc.txt
@download dlc.txt
@name Fesslog
@desc Fast, easy, static and secure blog
Initiated as a replace for this page and all PHP-driven monster blog scripts
Jekyll seems to reach all objectives
See this blog for an example
@status My documentation is complete but Jekyll was faster and reached all objectives.
Nice to see that someone else thought about the same issues and optimizations!
@link ---
@download ---
@language ---> Java <--- click
@name Android App to manage your inventory of ... (not allowed to speak about it) ... something
@desc Software project of the university for a Swiss company.
Multilingual application with internet-driven database connection.
Unfortunately a closed source project.
@status Finished
@link ---
@download ---
@name (codename) Stock
@desc A game facing the tough and obscure world of stock exchange.
Levels, Events, Environments, Tradeables, you will love it!
More information will be published soon, keep your eyes peeled.
@status Paused
Update 14. February 2013: My spare time is very limited but I'd like to see the project up and running.
What's done?
- Logic of the game is 95% finished.
(1% for a small issue and 4% for the derivates bet system)
- Well documented classes and their interaction. (Javadoc)
- (Documented) Interface for level contributors.
The community should develop levels for the game.
- Unit tests are complete.
What's missing?
- One (really!) small issue must be fixed.
- An easy-to-use bet system for derivates must be implemented, which could cost some brain cells!
A developer should be able to create bet options on stocks (and maybe more...) easily
(i.e. the percental increase of a stock until tomorrow, the stock value after three days, ...).
- A plugin system would be nice, but I wasn't completely happy with my solutions.
Interfaces for the community are awesome.
- The most important thing is a GUI!
I tried to implement a wrapper class for informaton output so further developers can
build fantastic GUI's without significant code changes.
But I never created a GUI with Swing/SWT/... . This wrapper class could be a blessing or curse.
Contact me if you are interested or contact someone you know that might be interested! :)
@link Github/chlange/stock development branch
@download ---
@language ---> JavaScript <--- click
@name JavaScript Bandwidth Tester
@desc Simple speedtest written in JavaScript with Perl backend.
@status Finished, not published.
@link ---
@download ---
@language ---> Other <--- click
@name PGP public key
@download key.asc